Saturday, September 10, 2016

Pop! What a Happy Sound

Its Friday, TGIF and all. Throughout this great country of ours, one sound reverberates around it. POP! That's the sound of a beer bottle or can being opened.

Let's face it, we Americans like to drink. Come to think of it , so does everybody else! Let's see, I know the Irish do, the Germans, the Russians, The Brits, etc. Drinking is the one universal thing we can all agree about(unless you are a real devout person). We like to do it. I've already freely admitted to you that I do. Hell, I took up running 18 years ago(but, now I shuffle), just so I could drink the beer I wanted without weighing 300 lbs.

Why is alcohol so popular? well, for one thing it tastes great. Nothing like a good cold one after work, after mowing the lawn, after sex, after the last one. There's nothing like a good cold one after your last beer. That is the problem, beer liking is accumulative. After a while, any excuse is a good excuse to have a beer.

So God in his infinite wisdom, gave us a reason to not Let's face it, if we were all rich and affluent, and didn't have to work, we would all be drunk all the time! Since God invented work, most of us have to be semi moderate about our consumption during the work week. The people who haven't learned to be moderate, are the ones we walk around on the sidewalks on the way to work.
Liking something is one thing, being controlled by it is another. The problem with ALL drugs, is the temptation to do them exclusively, and to hell with everything else. Not real good if you have a wife, and kids counting on you.

When I was a teenager, my Dad told me (over a hang-over), If you can't handle your booze, don't drink it! Good words to live by. Yes, its Friday, you probably had a killer of a week; have fun, but know when to say when.

(wow, that was one difficult post, now where did I leave that bottle opener?)

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