Tuesday, August 31, 2021

An Open Letter to the Mandatory Mask and [V]axxers

An open letter to our masked, and [v]axxed brothers and sisters.

There are a lot of people who are masked, and [v]axxed who think we should all be like them. They like to call those of us not like them names (ie. selfish) and many of them wish bad results for us not being like them.  I have no endorsements, but I think I am talking for us selfish folks.

We know you are afraid, scared of what your TV has been pushing 24/7 for a year and a half. 

We know that you are angry at us not respecting your fear.

You all need to get a handle on your fear, because none of us are going to cowtow to your fears to make you feel better. It's not going to happen.

95% of you who got the jab, never researched, or asked what was in these experimental shots. Most of us who op out have.

Our bodies our choice.

Get a grip, and get over it.