Saturday, June 6, 2020

Let's Judge By Content Of Character

To Black Lives Matter:
I am a white guy born in the 1950's. I really don't remember too much of politics until the 1960's
I do remember Martin Luther King Jr. I remember him uniting the blacks in a peaceful, unifying manner.
"Don't judge me by the color of my skin, judge me by the content of my character."
I agree with this.
After the murder of George Floyd, we are hearing "Black Lives Matter" quite a bit.
I agree Black lives do matter, but let's take it one step farther. ALL LIVES MATTER.
Being for All Lives Matter doesn't detract from Black Lives Matter; but there is a difference.
Black Lives Matters DIVIDES US! All Lives Matter UNITES US!
The sooner we realize that we all are neighbors, co-workers, and just plain people, the sooner we will grow.
"The Man" wants us divided, and fighting. "The Man" is very afraid of us coming together.
People who love don't see color, they see the content of the character.

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