Sunday, December 29, 2019

Mike's Health Cocktail (Improved)

Many people today are looking for ways to improve their overall health without the use of prescription drugs. Most prescription drugs have many side effects that may cause more problems than they help. Most prescription drugs do not really cure health problems as much as they just hide symptoms of poor health.
Most of the food we eat does not have the minerals and nutrients our bodies need to maintain proper health. The reason for this is over farming of the land, GMOs, and the use of glycosphate (Round-up).
I decided after much research to formulate a drink that is inexpensive, easy to make, and will basically provide the body with all of the trace minerals, and nutrients it needs to maintain optimum health. Mike's Health Cocktail is all about PREVENTIVE homeopathic medicine.
This cocktail acts as an anti-fungal, and antibacterial. It will help prevent, and cure cancer. It will also help prevent the flu without the use of vaccines. It has natural probiotics so it will help keep you regular, prevent acid upset stomach, and will help keep your body pH alkaline.
Here is my personal cocktail that I take once a day, it is my breakfast.
Each item is linked to a site so you may investigate their health properties. (Go ahead, click on them).

Put the Vitamin C crystals, beet powder,turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, DE, sea salt, and cayenne in the bottom of a glass. Pour the apple cider vinegar, and the liquid aminos on top. Add a spritz of water (or as much water as you wish. You can even put in a little natural honey for taste), and stir vigorously.
In addition to this I also take supplements such as 2400 mg fish oil, 2400 mg of coconut oil, 5000 mg garlic oil and vitamins B,D, E, and graviola.
Use only an organic, unpasteurized, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar, NOT clear pasteurized vinegar. Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar is the best, and easiest to find (Available at Whole Foods, and most grocery stores).
If you are on prescription blood thinners, or other prescription drugs, consult your doctor first.
Try this cocktail for a couple of months, and I guarantee you will notice results. You will feel better, more energetic, lose weight, and help fight off cancer and other bacterial diseases.
Please feel free to share this recipe with your friends, and family.

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