Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pathological Politics

The problems ALL governments face is that positions of power attract the pathological (sociopaths, psychopaths). It's not that power corrupts, but that power is MAGNETIC to those who are corruptible." Frank Herbert- DUNE.
This in a nutshell describes what is wrong with our government, and society in general.
All government positions, State, and local positions, school boards, Unions, Police, etc. are headed by people who are more self serving (feathering their own nest), than of service to others.
This needs to rectified before we will ever see any real growth for society or the common man.
You may not be interested in politics, but politics are very interested in you.
It's all about control, and money.
It's time good people got as involved in Federal, State, Local politics as the pathological do.

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