Saturday, June 9, 2018

Devils and Light Givers

There are two major factions that are always doing battle with each other; one side is the devils, and the other is the Light givers. Their battle ground is the human consciousness.

Devils are typified by darkness, and a lust for power; their weapons are deception and lies. Light givers are typified by light, and love; their weapons are truth, and knowledge. Devils hate the light, and truth, and anyone who gives this out to the masses. The reason for this is the devils cannot conduct their nefarious schemes if people are aware of what they are doing. Because of this, devils hate Light givers, and if they cannot pervert them into their way of thinking they will try to destroy them.
On the other hand, Light givers love everyone, including the devils, and will try to uplift everyone into the love, and light of God. If the devils refuse this, the Light givers will oppose them by shedding light on their schemes, and working to teach others.
Why the disparity here? Why aren't the Light givers trying to destroy the devils? Why did Jesus, and other saviors teach "Love thy enemy"? There is a spiritual reason for this.
There is one God, out of this originating source springs the Holy Spirit; which is also known as the Bani, the Word, the Eck, etc. This force manifests ALL life, on all the various planes of existence. As this force descends into the lower planes of the spiritual-materialistic worlds, (the mental, astral, and physical), it splits into Positive, and Negative streams. The Positive is known as God, and It's Light givers, the Negative is known as Satan, and the devils.
Each soul has been sent into these lower worlds, unaware of It's divine origin, to gain spiritual knowledge, and to earn It's spiritual mantle. This happens through karma, and countless reincarnations, as each soul learns to follow the path of love, and reject the accumulation of power. The spiritual purpose of the Light givers is to teach us the way; the spiritual purpose of the devils is to test us to prove we have truly learned the lesson. Both forces are needed for our spiritual growth. Each and every Light giver was at one time a devil, and every devil will be a Light giver in the future.
Mankind is always growing, and evolving spiritually. The Positive, and Negative forces are always in balance. This may not always seem to be the case, but never the less it is true.
Today it seems like the devils are in control. Many of these devils are working for the total enslavement of man. The devils have been weaving this web of enslavement for many years. However, over the last fifty, or sixty years many Light givers have reincarnated here to do battle with these devils. As this battle of enslavement versus freedom grows we have seen a quickening of events unfolding.
The devils know if they can keep mankind living in fear, and ignorance they can achieve their ends. The Light givers know if they can educate, and wake people up to the devil's lies, deceptions, organized terror, and money control, they can use the devils to springboard mankind into a new higher state of consciousness on a world wide scale.
As the devils work to destroy the Light givers, and enslave all men; the Light givers are selflessly working to teach, and enlighten everyone...including the devils.

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