Hi, I am an American, I love being an American. All my life, I have
been surrounded by people who spoke American. Of course I mean the
Queen's English, but hell, it’s always been American to me. Now, I live
and work around Miami, unfortunately, nobody told most of the residents,
that this is indeed, America. Almost everybody speaks Spanish! And I
mean ALMOST everybody.
There is a small pocket of us "gringos" to try and keep a small semblance of American life.
Our house is the black sheep of our neighborhood. My neighbors are
disappointed in just about everything about us, from the color of our
house (yellow), the football we cheer for (real football, not soccer),
and the old rock and roll I play a little too loud once in a while.
Oh, yeah, did I fail to mention that we speak English?
Actually, my neighbors, are pretty cool, even if we are different,
and they do put up with things like my step son's broken down truck
(that he swears he's going to put on the road) sitting in my front yard
for six months.
Like I said, we're trying to promote the American way.
Well, my wife has had enough of it. Since she can't go up north
(easily), she found herself a job bar-tending at this little old red neck
bar. It’s very nice, and very white, and everybody does speak
English...for now. She said to me "Everybody knows that they have to
speak English if they want any service. I don't take any orders in
Right! Until a Latino buys the place, then she'll be asking
every person that walks in the place
"Habla Ingles?"
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