Hi, I am an American, I love being an American. All my life, I have been surrounded by people who spoke American. Of course I mean the Queen's English, but hell, its always been American to me. Now, I live and work around Miami, unfortunately, nobody told most of the residents, that this is indeed, America. Almost everybody speaks Spanish! And I mean ALMOST everybody.
There is a small pocket of us "gringos" to try and keep a small semblance, of American life. Our house is the black sheep of our neighborhood. My neighbors,are disappointed in just about everything about us, from the color of our house (yellow), the football we cheer for (real football, not soccer), and the old rock and roll I play a little too loud once in a while. Oh, yeah, did I fail to mention that we speak English?
Actually, my neighbors, are pretty cool, even if we are different, and they do put up with things like my step son's broken down truck (that he swears he's going to put on the road) sitting in my front yard for six months. Like I said, we're trying to promote the American way.
Well, my wife has had enough of it. Since she can't go up north (easily), she found herself a job bartending at this little old red neck bar. Its very nice, and very white, and everybody does speak English...for now. She said to me "Everybody knows, that they have to speak English if they want any service, I don't take any orders in Spanish". Right! Until a Latino buys the place, then she'll be asking every person that walks in the place "habla Ingles?"
Throughout the many centuries, people have come from numerous countries to America speaking the language of their homeland. These boat people would learn as much English as they needed to work and survive in their new county. Many learned to speak English fluently. Their children adopted English as their first language speaking only the homeland language at home. The second generation born in American spoke only English.
I cannot understand why the Cubans and Puerto Ricians fail to follow what others have done before them. Perhaps as I have found out to be true in a few situations, it is because they do not consider themselves to be American. So why are they here? Why did they not stay where they were? They obviously do not want to be Americans.
America is known as the Melting Pot because it is a divine mixture of all of the nationalities. New arrivals are slowly mixed in the pot and add great flavor to our nation. It is time for these Spanish speaking people to do the same. I am sure that they will add a interesting spice to the flavor!
We live in America. English is the damn language, I say, LEARN IT or LEAVE. Seriously...I get sick of it !Everything I buy has directions in English and Spanish...I go to the ATM and it asks English or Spanish. I make a call to pay a bill or order something and they say press one for English, or two for Spanish. WTF !
I guess I'm the odd-man-out here, but I enjoy hearing different languages, and learn as many as I can. I'm proud to say that I can swear in 6 tongues, LOL,speak 2 languages very well, and can get by on the third. For those I don't speak, I attempt getting my message across with signing. It always works, and gives both parties a laugh.
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