Saturday, June 26, 2010

Loud Mouths

Teddy Roosevelt had a famous saying: "Walk softly, and carry a big stick". These were wise words because, if you truly know what you are talking about, you don't need to say it loudly.

Nowadays, we have a proliferation of people who go by a different creed: "Talk loudly, and carry a big chip on your shoulder". Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh are the poster boys for these people. Be as loud and obnoxious as possible, that's their mantra. Bill and Rush are certainly not alone; CNN, FOX News, and even blogger feature a host of these know-it-alls.

I have always been of the opinion that the louder and more obnoxious a person is, the less that person knows what he is talking about. These people use name-calling, their brusque, mean demeanor, and "you wanna fight?" attitude, to cover the fact that they are not very intelligent. It is a smokescreen that anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see through.

Being the gregarious sort of guy that I am, I have some words of wisdom for these people:
  1. If you have nothing worthwhile to say...shut up!
  2. If you don't know what you are talking about...shut up!
  3. If you can't state your views without name calling, bullying, and swearing...shut up!
As my father used to say, "It is better to be quiet and have people think you are stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


Crazy Brunette said...

Awwww, Mike I thought you LOVED me...
and my big LOUD mouth!


Mike's Common Sense said...

Ashley, I love you just the way you are, other know it all big mouths, not so much.

Foul-Mouthed Fuckers said...

Well damnit! Next time SPECIFY! You almost hurt my feelings!

You know your ONE of the like TWO blogging friends I have that call me Ashley! haha!

Foul-Mouthed Fuckers said...

Sorry, signed in on mine and Wolfs account! I forgot!!!

HAHA! But, this is ASHLEY!

Mike's Common Sense said...

I know, and I still heart you Ashley. My article is more for the other big mouths that we all know and hate.