Sunday, April 11, 2010

I Am Man, Hear Me Whine

Back in the early '70s, Helen Reddy had a hit song called, "I Am Woman", in which she starts out, "I am woman, hear me roar", which I thought was hokey, and all. I still do. But now that I am older, I realize that she was right. Women do all the roaring, while us guys do all the whining.

I should know. I am a man.

Why do men whine? I don't know, but I believe it has something to do with the male DNA. I remember when I was nine, and my mom wouldn't let me go over to Doug's house because his parent's both worked, and we may get into trouble. I'd say, "Come on, Mom, I'll be good!" It didn't work. When I was fourteen, I asked my dad if I could go to Woodstock. After a few seconds of contemplation he said, "No, you're too young." I responded, "Dad, I'm almost fifteen. Please let me go!" Unfortunately, it still didn't work.

Almost forty years later, I still whine when I don't get my way -- and it still doesn't work. You would think that I would adjust, change my game plan, so to speak. But no, I'm not that smart. You see, I am married. You ladies can laugh (which I know you are), but how else can a guy get his needs met?
"Honey, I have no clean shirts for work tomorrow." "Why didn't anyone make coffee this morning?" "C'mon, honey, it's Monday night!" "I have no cookies for bedtime!" "Your Lifetime Movie channel is turned up too loud!" ...
If whining were an art form, I'd be Picasso. The truth is, I whine because it does work (once in a while).

She'll do almost anything to get me to shut up.


Mike's Common Sense said...

Hi Ashley, thanks for your input on this delicate matter. lol

Crazy Brunette said...

As Always I'm happy to be of assistance!

Mike's Common Sense said...

Hi Ashley, If you don't let your husband whine how does he get his needs me? By semiphore flags? Does he beg like a dog? Either way it sounds like you have done an admirable job of training him.

Crazy Brunette said...

He doesn't get his needs met!

Like I give a shit...


Mike's Common Sense said...

You bust my balls Ashley! I actually feel for the guy!

Mike's Common Sense said...

Hi Ashley, It sounds you guys have the ideal relationship...I guess.